
tamoadmin 数码指南 2024-05-13 0
  1. 金基范个人档案
  2. 腊八节八宝粥做法用英文表达
  3. 求Jenny(Re Plus Remix)的歌词,要求中英文对照
  4. 《Visionsof Sugar Plums》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源






Nank南卡蓝牙耳机的配置在同价位是顶尖的了,Nank南卡lite搭载技术更复杂、成本更高的高通芯片,以及13mm超大动圈单元,再加上独家SR密封圈工艺、腔体减振技术,较上代产品,整体声音还原度提升60%!还特地建立高标准的声学实验室,聘请加大拿多伦多音乐人William Arnaldo携手20位欧美调音师历时两年,经过600多天的反复***,音质不输大牌耳机,完全可以媲美千元耳机的效果!


二、vivo TWS Neo


充电盒继续使用深蓝色的椭圆形设计,和上一代相差不大,但是渐变稍微变了一下。整体质感观感其实还不错。缺点就是容易弄脏。半入耳的设计戴起来也非常舒适,只要不是过于激烈的运动戴起来基本上也不会掉。芯片支持蓝牙 5.2传输方面处理的也比较好,在一般使用的环境下,vivo TWS Neo 的播放基本都不会出现断连的问题



这款耳机给人第一感觉就是简洁、清爽。魅族 POP2在两侧耳机外壳均集成了触控功能,还是很方便的。但可能是因为触控太灵敏了吧,或者是我还没使用习惯,总觉得在识别手势的准确度上还有进一步提升的空间。日常运动不怕掉,再加上IPX5的防水简直是运动的标配了。6mm的石墨烯振膜单元,尽全力让真无线蓝牙耳机也能拥有更好的音质。

四、小米 Air2S


小米真无线蓝牙耳机Air 2s的定位是一款半入耳式耳机,***用了蓝牙5.0芯片,并且还搭载了智能感应设计,耳机内置了红外光学传感器,还具备开盖即连以及ENC环境降噪技术设计。开盖即连跟小米手机连接后,打开充电盒手机便会自动弹窗提示完成连接,并且还可以实时查看耳机以及充电盒的剩余电量。不过这个功能其他品牌手机是没有的。双核芯片,并且还***用了全新双耳同步传输技术可以做到声画保持同步。



不知道大家还记得之前京东推出的“京东保租”服务吗?用户每月支付一定进而,即可租赁iPhone使用,iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus的月租赁费用分别是228/268元。现在,支付宝也上线了类似的服务,不过这并不是支付宝官方推出的,而是芝麻信用联合趣先享提供的。


目前,可供租赁的机型包括32/128GB版iPhone 7和32/128GB版iPhone 7 Plus,租价分别是229元/月,289元/月,299元/月以及339元/月,相比京东要略贵一点点。


不过,乐租可选的机型也不少,包括OPPO、vivo、魅族、华为、SUGAR以及iPhone 7。?











绰号:鸡饭 白雪公主 小包子

家庭成员: 父母、妹妹金世希(均在美国)


鞋码 :270



学历: 仁和(音译)大学体育艺术系




兴趣爱好:电脑游戏 唱歌, 演戏/英文


所属组合: Super Junior

所属公司: ******


个人相关: 2002年 ***美洲地区最佳选拔大会 '最佳脸蛋"'()

***必唱曲目:笑……还是我们super junior的《Twins》

魅力指标:微笑起来的样子 (***微笑)眼睛



最喜欢的**:《lf Only》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》









习惯: 伸舌头 微笑

心情不好时干什么: 和朋友打电话

心情好的时候干什么: 玩游戏

小时候的梦想: 总统

喜欢的食物: 辣炒年糕,snickers(巧克力),橘子

讨厌的食物: 鱿鱼

喜欢的运动: 足球

喜欢的动物: 兔子 猫

讨厌的动物: 老鼠

喜欢的季节: 春天

喜欢的歌: 幸福的我



喜欢的书: do re mi fa so la si do《多来米发嗖拉西多》 如果拍成**的话我一定要去看!

喜欢的**种类: 动作片

住的地方: 宿舍


和我理想型像的艺人: 李恩珠,韩佳人,成宥利





缓解压力的方法是什么: 打倒KMPD中的小家伙们

尊敬的人物: 被大家承认的演技好的人

现在最想去的地方: 美国...家人在那里

如果自己能决定想什么时候死 : 这个不是我所能决定的,只有上帝才知道我何时离开人世

约会迟到让别人等和别人迟到自己等会选哪一种? :我等别人

喜欢的英语单词: Love

相爱时: 笑...

幸福时: 笑...

处理好人际关系最重要的是: 相信,Trust

想要什么时候结婚: 29岁


喜欢的星期: 星期日

想要给所爱的人唱的歌: 我的全部都给你















2004 4月之吻(KBS2)


2005 玉琳的成长日记(KBS2)




2008 春子家有喜事了(MBC日日剧)



060325~060401 Loveletter(始源 基范)

060923~060930 Loveletter(始源 基范)


060326~060402 (基范)

060723~060730 (基范)

060827~060903 (基范)

060911~060924 (基范)

Star Golden Bell ?

060826 Star Golden Bell(基范 利特 强仁 神童)

Full House 1-14

060527 Full House EP01

060603 Full House EP02

060610 Full House EP03

060617 Full House EP04

060624 Full House EP05

060701 Full House EP06

060708 Full House EP07

060715 Full House EP08

060722 Full House EP09

060729 Full House EP10

060805 Full House EP11

060812 Full House EP12

060819 Full House EP13

060826 Full House EP14

Super Junior Show

060214 Super Junior show 11(基范日记)

060227 Super Junior show 13(所有成员日记回顾)

Mnet.Super Summer 基范 东海 始源

070714Mnet.Super Summer(第一集)

070721Mnet.Super Summer(第二集)

070728Mnet.Super Summer (第三集)

070804Mnet.Super Summer (第四集)

070811Mnet.Super Summer (第五集)

070818Mnet.Super Summer (第六集)

070825Mnet.Super Summer (第七集)

070901Mnet.Super Summer (第八集)


070716(始源 基范)

071126(基范 银赫)


060611 希澈 基范

060625 基范

060806 纳凉特辑 基范 韩庚


第2期 (基范)

Star King

070721 第27期(强仁 始源 基范 东海 厉旭)

071222 第47期(SJ全体)


071101 人体探险队E1

071108 人体探险队E2

071115 人体探险队E3

071122 人体探险队E4

071129 人体探险队E5

071206 人体探险队E6

071213 人体探险队E7

071220 人体探险队E8

071227 人体探险队E9

080103 人体探险队E10

080110 人体探险队E11

080117 人体探险队E12

080124 人体探险队E13



2004年OLIVE校服 “”广告***

2005年 KTF ? 广告***


现代汽车 “NF SONATA” 广告***

的 “” 广告***




与希澈,雅拉代言ottogi "炒面"广告



2005年 03~ 现在



2005年 Andrew Kim 时装秀

2005年11月6号 作为super junior 成员出道

2007年11月 安德烈金时装秀

2008年3月21日 Seoul Collection Show

参与天上智喜的歌曲《My everything》的MV拍摄


***://***.kibumcn***/bbs/(?鸡饭家族——○●金起范(金基范)●○中国首站后援会? | 每周六18时至24时开放注册 )

***://lovekibum.ifensi***/ (★≈金起范中文网?KimKiBum Chinese Fan Club≈★)



求Jenny(Re Plus Remix)的歌词,要求中英文对照

PracticeMaterial: Pumpkin 1 ( about 700 grams), 100 grams of rice, glutinous rice 100 grams, jujube, free, mung beans, fresh lotus seed 20 grams each, melon sugar or white sugar right amount of salt, a ***all amount of. Method: 1 red dates soaked with cold water for 20 minutes, then wash the skin; and mung bean, free, lily, lotus seed put together a steaming pot 30 minutes to spare. 2 rice, japonica washed first with rear pot, simmer for 40 minutes, then add the material slightly boiled, then add melon sugar or white sugar, plus a ***all amount of salt in order to ***oid too sweet. 3 pumpkin Guadi head, dig go seed capsule, into the steamer, steam fire about 20 eight-treasure porridgeMinutes, to be the melon meat cooked, put the material into the melon cup and then steamed for about 10 minutes. Features: strengthening the spleen and stomach, Xiaozhi weight loss, Qi nerves. As obesity and neurasthenia therapeutic use, can also be used as a daily regimen of bodybuilding food.Practice twoEight-treasure porridge ( 1 bowl ), fat calories: 108 card: - - - - - - -, protein: 2.5 grams, 24.6 grams of carbohydrates:, ***all red bean, red beans, lotus seeds and seed soaked in water overnight wash. Glutinous rice and mung bean wash soak in water for 2 hours.Production of materials required ( 11 ). The ***all red bean and red bean flooding, plus another 5 cups of water and other materials discharge in the rice cooker, the outer pot with 5 cups of water cook. Electric cooker switch off after 5 minutes, turn the electric cooker, stirring evenly, is fragrant nutritious eight-treasure porridge. Sugar general eight-treasure porridge each bowl 168 calories card according to the recipe for making, each bowl can be reduced by 60 calories ( 36%) ( 6 bowls ). ***all red beans 1 teaspoon (10 grams ), go to the heart lotus 1 teaspoon (10 grams ), round 1 / 2 cup Rice ( 100 g), red dates, longan 9 10 grams, red beans 1 teaspoon (10 grams ), barley 1 teaspoon (15 grams), mung bean 1 teaspoon (10 grams), dateplum persimmon 4, boiled sweet 6 tbsp.Practice threeMaterial: glutinous rice 250 grams, 100 grams, jujube candied lotus seed 25 grams, Guiyuan meat 15 grams, 20 grams, raisins melon seeds 10 grams, 25 grams of honey red fruit, cherry 5, Beijing cake ( hawthorn cake ) 25 grams, 150 grams of sugar. Method: 1 dates with warm water, rinse clean. Clean the glutinous rice, soak in water for 0.5 hour, the red fruit chopped; Beijing cake diced. In 2 the clean wok, add jujube, glutinous rice, add water 2500 grams, stir and cook for 20 minutes, see glutinous rice is sticky, switch to a ***all fire infusion. Cook until the soup thick play tough, rice, sugar lotus blossom, longan meat, melon seeds, raisins, cherries, red fruit and honey broken Beijing cake d into the porridge cook until boil up into.Practice fourMaterial: glutinous rice, red bean, peanuts, chestnuts, lotus seeds, red dates, longan meat, gold cake each 50 grams, the amount of sugar. Method: ( 1) the chestnut meat washed and cut into ***all pieces, lotus seed with lye soaking to remove the green heart, red jujube is abluent go nuclear, peanuts, wash with hot water after peeling, longan meat. ( 2) the red bean washed in water to five mature, add to wash the glutinous rice, boiled peanuts, chestnuts, in lotus seeds with cook, until rice, beans boiled, add dried longan meat, gold cake, dates and other materials, the fire boils five minutes namely.Practice fiveMaterial: full m oatmeal, coix seed, glutinous rice, red bean, mung bean, corn, high Liang Mi, hundred eight-treasure porridgeHop, lotus seeds, sometimes with some spinach roots. Practice: pressure cooker boil 20 minutes after the stew 1 hours a day, morning and evening each eat one ***all bowl. Eight-treasure porridgePractice sixMaterial: 250 grams of rice, lard 150 grams, taro, water chestnuts, nuts, beans, chestnuts, jujube flesh 25 grams each, soya bean 12 grams, 5 grams of salt, MSG 2 grams each, spices. Method: 1 soybeans, broad beans washed, soaked with water for a long time, taro, water chestnuts, chestnuts, nuts and other processing clean vegetables cut into filaments after 2; Xian Jing will wash the rice pan, add soy beans, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, chestnuts, nuts, dates, lard, spices, 2000 grams of water with flourishing fire to boil, then simmered for a ***all fire burned for 1.5 hours, add salt can be.Practice sevenRaw materials: Gorgon, coix seed, white hyacinth bean, lotus, yam, jujube, longan, Lily 6 grams, 150 grams of rice. Method: take the eight medicine decoction 40 minutes, then add rice to cook porridge. Division for sugar food, eat a few days. The spleen and stomach, invigorating qi and tonifying the kidney, nourishing and soothing. ***licable to insomnia and virtual fatigue empty is swollen, diarrhea, cough, sputum less thirsty. Eight-treasure porridge supermarket has selling, warm taking effect is good, healthy food can keep fit.Practice eightIngredients: mung bean, peanut, red jujube, Chinese wolfberry, red kidney beans, black rice, glutinous rice, brown, purple, lotus seeds, dried longan, lily pads, hominy, raisins, some oats / buckwheat production method: put the ingredients with water soak for 12 hours, then remove, the red bean, peanut and other larger hard boiled ingredients with a knife cut up into larger particles, and then to wash the rice and mixing, into the cold water began to boil the porridge, the fire burned, to cook for 15 minutes, then turn to low heat and cook for 40 minutes, you can.Practice nineMaterial: glutinous rice 350 grams, 50 grams of rice sorghum, barley, rice 50 grams, rhubarb rice 50 grams, 50 grams of peanuts, red bean 100 grams, 100 grams of 50 grams, jujube, raisin, dried longan meat 30 grams, 50 grams of lotus seed, red fruit 50 grams, 50 grams of Beijing cake, melon seeds 30 grams, white sugar 250 G. Preparation method: 1 all rice, red beans, peanuts, clean washing, lotus seeds boiled down to soak a painstaking, peanuts, dried fruit and Beijing cake diced. 2 pot add boiling water to boil, rice and bean, peanuts, simmer for nine when mature, in all the ingredients and sugar, find a good export and concentration into.

《Visionsof Sugar Plums》***在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云***

I heard the beat and thought of something beautiful/

forced to be a robot

but seeking for the spiritual/

living this life and end up at the funeral

but meanwhile "be something" but nothing seems suitable

Life is hard but you know what to look for/

love or the friendship n maybe that's to die for/

only one path and ain't no really side door/

writing for the light and this is really my war

So listen when the birds are singing birth that's given,

seasons that changes because earth is living

We take granted of this simplest beauty for the new seeds I rap this intellect music.

Another dawn after suns down

waking with a fun sound no ones h***ing fun now kids crying "mom!" loud.

Brightest stars in a darkest night

When I'm losing it I target the mic

green trees, white w***es bright yellow sunlight

Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights

Blue tears gray clouds just another black night

Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic

its like the ***ell of the rain that keeps me sane

like bob marley and miss. Hill that ease my pain

i picture the things that don't need to change

most beautiful things in this world is simple and plain

like water to quench thirst like the nature that made music first

its like me taking a pen and writing a verse

if the mind don't give up and nothing is a curse

beautiful things with beautiful names

key to this life is to view the ***all things

and find something you can love for you to maintain

remember needs and the wants are two different things

imagine if we never cried imagine people never lied

imagine every single person in the world h***e a mind

imagine this, imagine all the people in the world reaching for the sky

green trees, white w***es bright yellow sunlight

Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights

Blue tears gray clouds just another black night

Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic

green trees, white w***es bright yellow sunlight

Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights

Blue tears gray clouds just another black night

Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic

《Visions of Sugar Plums》(Evanovich, Janet)电子书网盘下载***阅读

链接: ***s://***/s/1Jf1t0IY86Tvl77m4YFWhZQ

提取码: e4sa

书名:Visions of Sugar Plums

作者:Evanovich, Janet

出版社:St Martins Pr




Christmas in bounty hunter Stephanie Plum's world isn't quite like Christmas in Whoville. With only four days to go before December 25, she doesn't h***e a decorated tree in her apartment or any presents bought. Plus she's chasing an elusive bail-jumper named Sandy Claws; a hunky guy named Diesel is literally popping in and out of her apartment; and a mob of manic elves is threatening to assault her with cookies.?

Janet Evanovich's mysteries are eagerly awaited by fans everywhere and this holiday installment won't dis***oint. With a returning cast of entertaining, quirky characters and a rock-solid setting in New Jersey wr***ed around an intriguing mystery, Evanovich delivers yet another hilarious adventure featuring irrepressible bounty hunter Stephanie Plum.