
tamoadmin 耳机音频 2024-08-19 0
  1. 英语在线翻译~~~明天就用了,急急急急急!不要机译,不要谷歌翻译的 = =


871. What channel did you watch on television last night?



872. I don’t get a good picture on my TV set.There’s something wrong.


873. The next time I buy a TV set, I’m going to buy a portable model.


874. You’d get better TV reception if you had an outside antenna.


875. What’s on following the news and weather?Do you he a TV guide?


876. You ought to he Bill look at your TV.Maybe he could fix it.


877. We met one of the engineers over at the television station.


878. Where can I plug in the TV? Is this outlet all right?


英语在线翻译~~~明天就用了,急急急急急!不要机译,不要谷歌翻译的 = =

1.笔记本外壳 the casings of laptop

2.笔记本外壳贴膜 the casings lamination of laptop

3.笔记本床上电脑桌 the computer desk in bed of laptop

4.笔记本电脑内胆包 the interior package of laptop

5.笔记本电脑单肩包 the sling bag of laptop

6.笔记本电脑双肩包 the shoulders package of laptop

I thought, everyone will he a rest harbour. When you feel sad, fatigue, or when you are hy, can heartily, there release their emotions, ease the trauma, or enjoy the taste of hiness. And my room, is my mind of harbour.

My room is foursquare square, spacious and comfortable. Each room is equipped with a balcony, this is my forite. The balcony a deck chair, and a ***all table. I like to sit on the couch music, reading books, or lookout distant scenery.

The afternoon sun, lay down on the couch nap and the most warm nevertheless.

My room is filled with my forite things, even under the bed space were not spared. Many things he very old, but I'm still won't throw, always think after seeing them, can think of some previous memories. In fact, however, I always did not take out time to review them.

My bed is soft, sleep comfortably, I think that maybe I like to sleep in bed one reason. I was lying in bed hy ***ile, ever also prone on the bed, so I cried a profound sentiment for it.

However, my desk and computer desk is together, so every time studying, there has to be a great endurance not to play computer. This has ever made me very upset, but never wanted the computer to move out.

My cabin is so warm, it gives good feeling of home. Since the childhood, it has always been my shelter, I love my hut.